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Do you have one or more shirt photos to clip but don’t know how to go about it? Discover the two clipping solutions we offer and choose the one that suits you best: clipping manually by yourself or else getting the clipping done professionally by experts.
Clipping is an essential stage when you are designing your e-commerce catalogue. Why? This technique will not only bring unity to your photos but will also upgrade your conversion rate. When it comes to clipping handbag images, we suggest two different strategies, depending on your profile: clipping by yourself or else getting supreme-quality clipping done by a professional service.
What is the main advantage of physical shops over online shops?
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This famous proverb coined by Confucius perfectly sums up the current thinking of e-commerce players who generated over 1,500 billion euros in turnover worldwide in 2014 (data from the FEVAD, Federation of e-Commerce and Distance Selling).
As a New Year begins, Simataï, the specialist in image clipping and retouching for e-commerce and marketplace players, has had a makeover and is launching its new website! The whole team hopes that you’ll appreciate it just as much as the previous version.
The creation of a drop shadow is a process that should accompany your clipping as this effect will make your image look more realistic. This small visual detail can genuinely make a huge difference by making the object far more readable. In this tutorial, discover how to create a drop shadow using Photoshop.